Dissing His Beautiful Christians

And living up to being an imperfect vessel.

Open Bible.
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Charlie Sykes dissects the litany of ways that Trump is failing the Christians he so publicly embraced in his campaign. And this is ignoring the fact that his personal behavior has never lived up to Christian values – a fact some attribute to Trump being an imperfect vessel of God, though naturally not all Christians agree.

Sykes notes that since taking office, Trump lashed out at a Catholic bishop for daring to suggest he "have mercy upon the people in our country"; made foreign aid cuts that have devastated Christian charities; and named a pastor to a White House role who espouses the so-called prosperity gospel, which many Christian leaders deem to be heresy.

Then there are the skirmishes other members of the administration have had with Christian leaders that Sykes also documents for us.

Trump’s War Against Christianity
The Great Hypocrisy.

2,582 words

"We may be able to say 'Merry Christmas' again, but he is gutting much of the Christian mission in the world."

Source tags: Charlie Sykes